La Furia Umana
  • I’m not like evereybody else
    The Kinks
  • E che, sono forse al mondo per realizzare delle idee?
    Max Stirner
  • (No ideas but in things)
    W.C. Williams

Ângela Prysthon

LFU/ - Ângela Prysthon

JONATHAS DE ANDRADE and ANGELA PRYSTHON / O caseiro (The Housekeeper)

A while ago I approached the artist Jonathas de Andrade to ask him to collaborate in a piece for La Furia Umana. He suggested that I chose some frames from his 2016 installation called O Caseiro (The Housekeeper). It was a pleasure to watch it again and confirm that not only Jonathas  retains the fine […]

ÂNGELA PRYSTHON, PAUL GRANT and RAQUEL SCHEFER / From Third Cinema to Post/De/Anti Colonial 

The concept of the Third-World served from the 1960s onwards – beyond the euphemistic and conservative boundaries of contemporary geography – to establish a unity of a libertarian and idealist nature. The processes of decolonization, social awareness and political struggle unleashed across the globe throughout this period are not exhausted in themselves: they are part […]

ANGELA PRYSTHON / As furiosas frivolidades do cinema brasileiro de ficção científica: distopias e heterotopias urbanas

Eu gostaria de começar explorando o título deste artigo, sobretudo a partir da palavra frivolidade. O termo “frívolo” quase que invariavelmente nos remete à bobagem, ao supérfluo, àquilo que é despreocupadamente agradável. A frivolidade nas teorias sócio-culturais quase sempre esteve associada ao lazer das classes mais abastadas (Bates e Fortner, 2013, 3). Ou seja, uma […]